Signs and symptoms of appendicitis: Emergency Signs

What is appendicitis and how can it be treated?

Appendicitis is an infection and inflammation of the appendix that can be caused by a blockage or obstruction. A buildup of mucus or parasites, as well as fecal matter, could cause a blockage.

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Appendicitis is a condition in which bacteria grows rapidly inside an organ. Appendicitis is when the appendix becomes irritated or swollen.

Your appendix can be found on the lower right-hand side of your abdomen. The appendix is a small, cylindrical-shaped pouch that protrudes from your large intestinale.

The appendix is part of your digestive tract but it’s not a vital organ. It does not provide any vital functions, so you can live a normal, healthy lifestyle without it.

It is not known what the appendix does. It may contain tissue that aids your immune system in fighting off infections.

An inflamed appendix can rupture, releasing harmful bacteria into your abdomen, if you don’t seek treatment quickly. Peritonitis is the name for this infection. This is a serious condition and requires immediate medical attention.

A ruptured appendix can be life-threatening. Although rupture is rare within 24 hours of onset of symptoms, the risk of rupture increases dramatically after 48 hours.

Appendicitis symptoms can be detected early so you can get medical attention immediately.

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Appendicitis symptoms

Appendicitis can cause a variety symptoms including:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Low fever
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • Appetite loss
  • Constipation
  • diarrhea

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Although symptoms may vary from person to person, it is important that you get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible.

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Johns Hopkins Medicine says that the appendix may rupture within 48 to 72 hours of the onset or worsening symptoms.

If you experience any of these symptoms, immediately go to the hospital.

Abdominal pain

Appendicitis is characterized by a dull, cramping or aching feeling in the abdomen.

The appendix will become more swollen, inflamed, and irritate the peritoneum, the lining of your abdominal wall.

It causes a sharp, localized pain in the lower abdomen. This pain is more severe and persistent than the dull, aching sensations that occur when symptoms first appear.

Some people might have an appendix behind their colon. These people may experience lower back pain and pelvic pain from appendicitis.

Mild fever

Appendicitis is characterized by a fever ranging from 99F (37.2degC), to 100.5F (38degC). The chills may also occur.

Your fever could rise if your appendix bursts. An appendix rupture could result in a fever of 101 degrees (38.3 degrees) or an increase in your heart rate.

Digestive upset

Nausea and vomiting can be caused by appendicitis. You might feel deprived of food and lose your appetite. You might also experience severe diarrhea or constipation.

This could be due to a partial or complete obstruction of the bowel. This could be due to an underlying appendicitis.

Appendicitis symptoms in children

If you suspect your child has appendicitis, take them to the hospital immediately.

Children may not always be able to express how they feel. Children may not always be able to describe how they feel. It can be difficult to diagnose appendicitis.

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Appendicitis can be mistaken for a stomach bug (or UTI) by parents.

Appendicitis is a serious condition. It is better to be cautious. Anyone can have an appendix rupture, but infants and toddlers are at greatest risk.

Appendicitis is a condition that affects children aged 2 and under.

  • vomiting
  • Swelling or abdominal bloating
  • a tender abdomen

Teenagers and older children are more likely to have this experience.

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • Pain in the lower right abdomen

Appendicitis symptoms during pregnancy

Appendicitis symptoms can be similar to those experienced during pregnancy. These symptoms include nausea, stomach cramping, and vomiting.

Appendicitis symptoms may not be present in all pregnant women, particularly late in pregnancy. During pregnancy, the growing uterus pushes your appendix higher. This can lead to pain in the upper abdomen, rather than the lower right.

Appendicitis-suffering pregnant women are more likely to experience gas, heartburn, and alternating episodes constipation.

How does appendicitis get treated?

The doctor will perform a physical exam on you and ask questions about your symptoms. To determine if you have an appendicitis, they may order tests. These tests could include:

Also Read:

  • Blood tests are done to detect signs of infection
  • Urine tests are done to determine if there is a UTI, or a kidney stone.
  • To determine if your appendix has become inflamed, you can do an abdominal ultrasound or CT scan
  • Appendicitis is a condition that affects the stomach. Your doctor will determine if you require immediate surgery.
  • Most likely, you will be given antibiotics prior to surgery. These medications will prevent infection after surgery.
  • The surgeon will then perform surgery on your appendix. This is known as an appendectomy.
  • The surgeon can perform either an open or laparoscopic appendectomy. It all depends on how severe your appendicitis is.
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Open appendectomy

Your surgeon will make one incision on the lower right side (open appendectomy) of your abdomen. The surgeon will remove your appendix, then close the wound using stitches. If your appendix bursts or you have an abscess, your doctor can perform this procedure.

Appendectomy laparoscopic

Your surgeon will make small incisions to your abdomen during a laparoscopic appendectomy.

The laparoscope will be inserted into the incisions. The laparoscope, a long thin tube that has a light at the top and a camera at its end, is called a laparoscope. The screen will show the images, which allows your doctor to view inside your abdomen and guide instruments.

They’ll find your appendix and tie it with stitches. Then, they’ll clean, close, or dress the incisions.

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After surgery

  • Your doctor may ask you to remain in hospital after the surgery until you feel better and are able to drink liquids.
  • Your doctor might ask you to continue taking antibiotics if you have an abscess, or if there is a complication.
  • It is important to remember that, while problems can occur, most people recover without complications.