“The 13 Amazing Health Benefits of Himalayan Crystal Salt, the Purest Salt on Earth”

Salt is essential for life – you cannot live without it. However, most people simply don’t realize that there are enormous differences between the standard, refined table and cooking salt most people are accustomed to using and natural health-promoting salt.

These differences can have a major impact on your health and wellness.

If you want your body to function properly, you need holistic salt complete with all-natural elements. Today’s common table salt is different from natural salt.

Your table salt is actually 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals, such as moisture absorbents, and iodine. Dried at over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, the excessive heat alters the natural structure of the salt.

This Salt Is Over 250 Million Years Old

Himalayan Crystal Salt

Himalayan Crystal Salt is by far the purest salt available on earth and is uncontaminated with toxins or pollutants.

This salt from the Himalayas is known as “white gold.” Together with pure spring water, Himalayan Crystal Salt offers all the natural elements original to its source – the very same elements originally found existing in the “primal sea.”

Containing at least 84 naturally occurring trace elements in their natural mineral form, the benefits of natural Himalayan Crystal Salt include:

  1. Regulating the water content throughout your body
  2. Promoting healthy pH balance in your cells, particularly your brain cells
  3. Promoting blood sugar health
  4. Assisting in the generation of hydroelectric energy in cells in your body
  5. Absorption of food particles through your intestinal tract
  6. Supporting respiratory health
  7. Promoting sinus health
  8. Prevention of muscle cramps
  9. Promoting bone strength
  10. Regulating your sleep (it naturally promotes sleep)
  11. Supporting your libido
  12. Promoting vascular health
  13. In conjunction with water, it is actually essential for the regulation of your blood pressure

The Typical Table and Cooking Salt in Your Grocery Store Has Been ‘Chemically Cleaned’

What remains after typical salt is “chemically cleaned” is sodium chloride – an unnatural chemical form of salt. This form of salt is in almost every preserved product that you eat. Therefore, when you add more salt to your already salted food, your body receives more salt than it can dispose of.


This is important as over 90% of the money that people spend on food is for processed food.

Typical table salt crystals are totally isolated from each other. In order for your body to try to metabolize table salt crystals, it must sacrifice tremendous amounts of energy.

Inorganic sodium chloride can keep you from an ideal fluid balance and can overburden your elimination systems.

When your body tries to isolate the excess salt you’re typically exposing it to, water molecules must surround the sodium chloride to break them up into sodium and chloride ions in order to help your body neutralize them. To accomplish this, water is taken from your cells in order to neutralize the unnatural sodium chloride.

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This results in a less-than-ideal fluid balance in the cells.

You Are Losing Precious Intracellular Water When You Eat Normal Table Salt

For every gram of sodium chloride that your body cannot get rid of, your body uses 23 times the amount of cell water to neutralize the salt. Eating common table salt causes excess fluid in your body tissue, which can contribute to:

  • Unsightly cellulite
  • Rheumatism, arthritis and gout
  • Kidney and gall bladder stones

When you consider that the average person consumes 4,000 to 6,000 mg of sodium chloride each day, and heavy users can ingest as much as 10,000 mg in a day, it is clear that this is a serious and pervasive issue.

So Why Are Many People Still Using Table Salt?

With the use of rigorous advertising, the salt industry is successful in convincing you that there are actually health advantages to adding potentially toxic iodine and fluoride to salt.** In addition, your table salt very often contains potentially dangerous preservatives. Calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate and aluminum hydroxide are often added to improve the ability of table salt to pour. Aluminum is a light alloy that deposits into your brain – a potential cause of Alzheimer’s disease.

**Iodine is present in table salt in the iodate or iodide forms. The iodide form is not very stable. The safety of these forms has not been completely researched.

Get Salt as Nature Intended It – Pure Himalayan Crystal Salt

With chemical dumping and toxic oil spills polluting the oceans at an alarming rate, most of today’s sea salt is not nearly as pure as it used to be. Himalayan Crystal Salt is pure salt that is mined and washed by hand – with zero environmental pollutants.

Today’s table and cooking salt is void of the vital trace minerals that make this Himalayan crystal salt so precious. Crystal salt has spent over 250 million years maturing under extreme tectonic pressure, far away from exposure to impurities.

The salt’s unique structure also stores vibrational energy. All of the crystal salt’s inherent minerals and trace elements are available in colloidal form – meaning they are in a more absorbable form.

The Crystal Salt from the Himalayas does not burden your body as other salts do. It is very difficult for your body to absorb too much crystal salt since there are powerful and effective feedback loops that regulate this process. Natural crystal salt always promotes a healthy balance and does not contribute to high blood pressure like typical table salt.

Crystal Salt’s array of elements forms a compound in which each molecule is interconnected. The connectedness allows the vibrational component of the 84 trace elements present in their natural mineral form in the salt to be in harmony with each other and adds to the ability to promote a healthy balance. When it comes to the power of natural salt, nothing compares to Himalayan Crystal Salt. Here’s why:

  • It is the highest grade of natural salt.
  • Under an electron microscope, crystal salt has a perfect crystalline structure.
  • It is mined by hand and hand-washed.
  • Crystal salt is immune to electromagnetic fields.
  • Crystal Salt is sourced from pure areas without environmental pollutants.
  • There is no limited shelf life and no need for silica packets to prevent clumping.
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A New and Different Way to Experience the Salty-Sweet Goodness of Himalayan Crystal Salt

Himalyan Salt Slab

Not only is Himalayan Crystal Salt far healthier for your body than commercial salt, but its taste is unforgettable. Once you try Himalayan salt, I can promise you that you’ll never want to use commercial salt again – I know I sure don’t.

And here’s a unique way to enjoy Himalayan salt’s slightly sweet-salty goodness with your food…

Featured on several top cooking shows, Himalayan Salt kitchen slabs have become a new standard for extraordinary food preparation and presentation.

Measuring a generous 16 and ½ inches by 8 inches, 1 and ¾ inches thick and 12.8 pounds, this beautiful translucent pink crystal salt slab serves as a cooking and curing surface, and a lovely way to present chilled foods.

To grill or sauté with your Himalayan Salt Kitchen Slab, slowly preheat your slab over a grill or stove and toss on your favorite sliced meats, seafood, vegetables or eggs. The Himalayan crystal salt sears your food to perfection, with just a light touch of heavenly salty flavor.

Key Minerals in Himalayan Crystal Salt Promote a Healthy Balance in Your Body

Himalayan Crystal Salt is salt in its native form, with all its vibrational energy intact and it helps promote a healthy balance in your body. Promoting balanced electrolytes helps to keep your body in homeostasis – the balance of chemicals that is conducive to the body’s function.

The renowned Fresenius Institute in Europe analyzed Himalayan Crystal Salt and proved that it has an amazing array of important trace minerals and elements, including potassium, calcium, and magnesium that help promote a healthy balance by maintaining fluids and replenishing your supply of electrolytes whenever you sweat heavily. (This salt does not supply iodide, a necessary nutrient.)

Himalayan Salt vs. Sea Salt and Rock Salt: A Crystal Comparison

Many people believe sea salt is a healthy alternative to table salt, but this is no longer the case. The oceans are being used as dumping grounds for harmful toxic poisons like mercury, PCBs, dioxin and microplastic particles. Reports of oil spills polluting the sea are becoming more frequent. With some 89% of all the sea salt producers now refining their salt, today’s sea salt simply isn’t as healthy as it used to be.

If you were to look into a microscope at sea salt (pictured right), you would see it has irregular and isolated crystalline structures disconnected from the natural elements surrounding them. Thus, however many vital minerals it may contain, they cannot be absorbed by your body unless the body expends tremendous energy to vitalize them. Your body’s net gain is small compared to the great loss of energy.

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Because the crystalline structure of crystal salt is balanced (pictured right), it is not isolated from the 84 inherent mineral elements, but is connected to them in a harmonious state. This means the energy content in the form of minerals can be easily metabolized by your body. When you use this salt, it has a vital energetic effect. Your body gets an ample net gain with little energy loss.

Mined salt, or rock salt, is also a poor substitute for Himalayan Crystal Salt. While natural rock salt comes close to being intact and is more valuable than industrial table salt, from a biophysical as well as biochemical perspective, it holds little value.

The elements contained in rock salt lack sufficient compression to be included in the crystal web, but are only attached to the surface and in the gaps of the crystalline structure. It is the considerable pressure that brings the elements to a colloidal state – where your cells can readily absorb them. The valuable elements found in rock salt are useless, because they are less absorbed.

You Can Also Use Himalayan Crystal Salt as a Bath Soak

Besides using this salt on your food and to cook with, it has multiple other exciting benefits as well.

I highly recommend you regularly use the Himalayan Bath Salt, because when you take a “brine bath,” the Himalayan salt’s healthy minerals are stored in the form of ions. This stimulation rejuvenates your skin, which is beneficial for everyone.

Himalayan salt has multiple other uses for your skin as well, which you can benefit from by integrating it with other natural approaches. It really has an amazing untapped potential that has not yet been recognized.

Add a Himalayan Salt Lamp to Your Home Décor

Natural Salt Lamp
Get the benefits of Himalayan Salt in a stylish lamp that can accentuate your home or office!

Himalayan salt lamps can help you counteract the electronic vibrations and excessive positive ions in selective areas of your home. The basic premise behind a salt lamp is to help cleanse your indoor air and provide and attractive soothing light in your home.

My heated Himalayan Salt Lamp attracts humidity causing the surface of the salt crystal to become moist. This:

  • Creates a buildup of ions and removes moisture from the air
  • Binds excessive positive ions with their negative ions
  • Helps to neutralize the “electro-smog” in your air and reduces allergens and irritants
  • Creates potential soothing effects for you from multi-colored salt crystals

Even if you’re not planning on using crystal salt lamps to help improve air quality in specific areas of your home, they’ll still provide glowing and soothing light – attractive in any room.