What is the hardest thing about writing a dissertation?

Writing a dissertation is generally hard as it is an intellectual job at the highest level of academia and requires adherence to the writing procedure. A dissertation also requires intensive research that results in a lot of content and data that you have to choose the most relevant.

  The hardest and purest thing about dissertation writing varies from one individual to another.

  1. Preparing an appropriate Abstract

 Some students find writing an abstract to be extremely hard. It is a summary of research but should thorough and convincing as it the first point of contact for the reader.  A dissertation is a formal paper but writing an abstract requires persuasion skills to show that your project has value.

  1. Explaining the Methodology

 The methodology is the way in which you will gather data for your paper. Writing this section without proper planning can be hard. You literature review writer should from the beginning determine the operational definition of your variables and to put them into practice through correct experiments or instruments.  The methodology also requires selection and adoption of the right techniques to analyze data and planning on how to gather it because what you write on the paper should show your research was adequate.

Lack of adequate material can also make your methodology hard. Your choice could be right, but it will be hard to write if all the reference material you get lacks depth. Everything needs to be in place and working together for the writing to be smooth.

  1. Presenting argument in Discussion

The purpose of a dissertation is not to inform readers what you did with your research but to tell the reader about things it helped you to discover. Many dissertation writers reckon that discussing the research findings is the hardest thing about writing a dissertation. The reason is the writer should think of a way of rationalizing the empirical evidence and results in outcomes with the research model/conceptual framework based on the literature review.

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It can also take longer to write if you discover that you need further review of evidence to support your explanation and justification. Other information such as accounting the research methods is essential in backing the claims about your results.

  1. Achieving the word limit

 The word count for a dissertation can reach up to 10,000 or more words. It can be hard to reach the limit of your research does not have enough findings information to sustain the high word count. A lot of research work you do might seem significant, but it will not end up in your paper when you start writing and evaluating the relevance.  The word count drops further after editing.

 Another situation is that you could have so much relevant material from interviews other primary as well as secondary research.  After hunting for all this material for around a year, it is natural to feel that everything should be in the paper.  Too much information makes it hard to determine what to use or leave without affecting the points you want to insist.

 It takes much critical analysis and editing to determine what will appear on the dissertation.

 Writing a dissertation is not straightforward.   Early writing is essential so that you have time to navigate the roadblocks when you find out what is the hardest thing about writing a dissertation for you.