The Use of Calcium and Nitric Oxide Supplements

Very essential in maintaining a vital health of the body, calcium is one of those natural elements that are needed by the human body as a daily requirement. The average requirement for a man and woman aged between 19 and 50 is about 1000 mg per day, and even higher is the requirement for those above 50 yrs, who require at least 1200 mg per day.

The body consumes calcium supplements for its basic functions like growth and development, maintaining the heart pace, secretion of hormones and enzymes, muscle contraction etc. when calcium supplements intake is less, the body absorbs the needed amount of calcium fro its bone reserve, which causes fragile and weak bone and teeth. This is the prime reason why osteopenia and osteoporosis is found as people grow older. The calcium level slowly depletes as years pass by. Pregnancy is one of those conditions when calcium supplement is a must. Not only does it maintain the calcium requirement, since the fetus also absorbs for its growth, calcium also helps maintain the blood pressure level.

Milk and dairy products are rich source of calcium supplements. Besides milk, cheese, curds or yogurt are rich in calcium. Green leafy vegetables, soybeans, tofu, sesame seeds, and fish are also rich source of calcium.

Since calcium is one of the main components of the human bones, supplementation of this basic component is important especially in children. It plays an important role in their mental and physical development. If calcium supplements were inadequate during pregnancy, the children born are likely to develop weak bones. Underdeveloped bones and digestive disorders are common in such children. Calcium supplements will avoid chances of rickets. Foods like broccoli, cabbage, dairy products kale etc are great supplements for children with calcium deficiency. Any calcium supplement apart from food should be taken as per doctor’s recommendation. An overdose can cause dementia, abnormal heart rhythms, anemia, and in severe cases coma too.

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Anything is excess is bad for health. Since calcium is known for its benefits, people use calcium supplements rampantly. An intake above 2500 mg daily can cause sedimentation and calcification. Chances of kidney and gall stones can also increase. Besides other common complaints like constipation, dehydration, nausea, increased urination etc are found. Those on calcium supplements are advised to have these with a full glass of water. Any other drug intake should be spaced after 2 hrs as it affects the absorption of the drug.

As we talk of supplements and health, one cannot miss out on nitric oxide supplements. These days the use of NO2 supplements is on a rise. The desire for shapely fat free body and at the same time maintenance of the stamina is one of the main attractive reasons that have made nitric oxide supplements one of the widely chosen supplements.

This natural steroid like functioning safe supplement improves the muscle tone, improves the metabolism of fat and thus promises a leaner structure but high protein absorption causing longer endurance. Another very potent benefit of nitric oxide supplements are its hemodialysis property. It maintains the density of the blood allowing smooth flow into the tissue and muscles.