Fitness for Fun: Alternative Fitness Activities That Work

Are you one of those people who think that losing weight and keeping fit needs to be done at a rigorous pace and with a totally competitive mindset? Are you struggling with your weight loss program because of this kind of thinking? Are you almost drained of your last ounces of hope that you will ever get fit?

If you’re just beginning to start your fitness journey, or even if you’re already going but feeling a bit burnt out, then you might be approaching fitness all wrong. Getting fit shouldn’t make you feel like you’re in a boot camp. It should be enjoyable, and that’s where fitness for fun comes into the picture.

A lot of people who are overweight, or have health and fitness issues, may not be suitable for those in-gym workouts that are very rigorous and require a lot of correct technique. In fact the gym is just not an enjoyable experience for some people. Lifestyle, like working in an office setting where you don’t have the opportunity for a lot of physical activity, may have also taken over and quite frankly the hours that are being worked aren’t compatible with long sessions in the gym. The good news is that, there are alternative fitness options readily available.

First off, fitness for fun is an easy way to start getting back in to shape. Just because it’s fun it doesn’t mean that it isn’t working. Alternative fitness activities are far from the dumb bell curls that you normally do at the gym, think pillow fights, sports, rock climbing, hiking and the list goes on and on. I hear you say that doesn’t fitness have to be structured? In my opinion alternative fitness doesn’t have to be structured at all, the further from structured the better, as then it won’t feel like work at all!

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How do you get back to that fitness for fun mentality? The best place to start is to just remember your younger days. Was there a sport that you enjoyed playing? Did you love to dance back then? Where you a cheerleader once in your life? Why not go back to those activities. Playing a sport that you once loved can be the furthest thing on your mind if your current fitness status is on the downside. However if you just get started you’ll be amazed at the support you will get and that in itself will help you go in the right direction and on the road again to regaining your fitness and health. You’ll also have that super benefit of burning those calories while you play. Remember just to be patient with yourself as you might struggle at first, but you’ll eventually start to feel that you’re getting better at it and before you know it you’ll be back to your old form and shape. It is never too late to take that first step. You could invite your old buddies to play with you as extra incentive and then it’s even more fun as it’s an excuse for a catch up as well, or you can join a local club if none of your buddies are still playing. There are many age clubs around that welcome players with our without experience. I know that for a fact as I’m now at 40 starting to seriously to consider taking up soccer in the local women’s team for the first time in my life to add some more fun into my fitness program.

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It’s the same with dancing. When did you last dance? Most women nowadays prefer to join fitness clubs that offer dance classes as part of their fitness for fun programs. There’s a wide variety of dances that you can choose from like belly dancing, pole dancing, and Latin dancing just to name a few. Jazz and Ballroom dancing are also popular choices. This is a great way to learn a new skill and burn those calories at the same time.

Other alternative fitness activities would include playing Frisbee at the park, or learning how to swim, cycling, and even hauling logs with your bare hands. Why not? It’s a great way to keep you fit.

Anything can be fitness when we just stop thinking of fitness in the traditional sense of the word and open our eyes to all the possibilities around us. The best place to start? Just look through the eyes of a child, don’t take yourself seriously, laugh put a skip in your step and go from there.

Dawn Fritsch is a Gym Owner. Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor who specializes in Women’ Fitness for the over 40’s. Dawn also has a unique understanding and passion for workout’s that can be done At Home with minimal, or no equipment.