Fitness Classes Won’t Make You Fit, Eating Good Food Will!

The Dirty Secret Fitness Trainers Don’t Want You to Know

There are hundreds of different fitness classes in Dublin, but do your fitness trainers really want to help you get the result you want, be it to get lean, lose weight are improve fitness?

Of course your fitness trainer wants you to get a little bit fit. But the problem with the way the make their living is they need you to keep wanting to train with them!

Many of them just want to tell you about the latest cool fitness work out. Their latest new trick that works better than anything else.

This way there are always new techniques to try and you will will keep coming back, but often despite all of this the promised results just aren’t achieved!

The reason why, is a a dirt little secret, that you fitness training and very probably you, is the answer is your diet.

Your diet. Yes, it’s a simple as that. You cannot exercise your way into fitness without eating properly. But you can eat properly and exercise moderately and have the fitness and body you want.

The sad fact is that most fitness trainers only make a token nod to the importance of your diet in the grand scheme. Perhaps because its just too hard to get people to change their daily habits, much easier to work them hard for an hour, 3 times a week, crating a buzz by not delivering on the main goal.

Of course enjoying exercise will help you stick with it over the long run, but in reality, is it is far more important to focus on a healthy diet.

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Being fit requires you to commit to eating good foods along with making time for regular exercise. You will have to find ways to integrate all of this into your daily life to make a real change in your health.

A healthy lifestyle is about 80% diet, 20% moderate exercise, and 1000% the mindset you bring to the table.

Simplify Your Diet

Milk and Dairy

These are great for protein, vitamins and minerals, but are normally high in animal fat. Look for skim or 2% dairy to get the benefits.

Vegetables and Fruit

Real food – that is, anything that grows as opposed to food that has been created by processing – should absolutely represent the majority of what you eat. Find out what is in season, as these foods will have had less preservative added to them. It’s still a good rule of thumb to eat 5 portions of fruits and vegetables every day.

Starchy foods

Carbohydrates get a bad rap. One reason low carb diets may appear effective is that Americans eat far too much starchy foods, like potato chips and bread-heavy fast foods. The fact is that most starches are not fattening unless they are cooked in fat, which is how most people like them. Starches include bread, rice, potatoes, and most grains. These are high in fiber and vitamins, so they should be part of your diet when prepared properly.

Meat and fish

Which is better for you, saturated or unsaturated fat? This is a handy way to remember: sat = fat. Saturated fats are in meats from most farm animals and too much will lead to heart disease and obesity. Unsaturated fats, which are necessary for your health at low levels, are found in fish, chicken, eggs, turkey, and beans. In fact, fish carries a number of benefits for your metabolism and brain function as well. Reduce use of fats and oils in cooking and use more vegetable oils when you do.

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Essentially, you can’t eat poorly and exercise yourself to be in shape, but can you eat properly and exercise minimally for a healthy lifestyle.

A Work-Out You Can Work Into Your Day

Beware of fitness instructors who preach about fitness fads. Just 30 minutes a day of moderate intensity activity can fight obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and slow the aging process, among a host of other benefits. In fact, too much exercise is associated with increased injuries, acute fatigue, high blood pressure, and depression. The Journal of Applied Physiology showed in a study last year that while moderate running improves heart function, lifelong runners tend to have greater scarring on their hearts.

Forms of exercise which offer other benefits, such as meeting people, learning a skill or challenging yourself are much easier to stick to.

Some examples of this include Krav Maga, where you can learn the valuable skill of self defence in a group environment getting a great work, or Zumba the latest craze in dance fitness you can get fit while learning the moves for the next trip to a night club. More sport based examples include indoor soccer and tag rugby.

There are three components to fitness: strength, stamina, and flexibility.


The most important muscle groups are your shoulders, thighs, and your core. Keeping these large groups strong improves your overall fitness and reduces potential for injuries.


Easy exercise for longer periods builds your circulation for better heart function, increases your lung capacity, and helps you stay focused.


Your spine, neck, and major joints need to be flexible enough to prevent straining muscles and tendons. Stiff joints are the main cause of aches and pains after exercise.

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Good Food for Thought

Omega-3 fatty acids and DHA are necessary for brain function. Luckily, both are found in fish, eggs, and nuts like pecans and hazelnuts. Berries like black raspberries and lingonberries are also great sources.

The main energy source that your brain depends on is glycogen. A study by the University of Tsukuba in Japan found that moderate but sustained exercise over several weeks led to a buildup of glycogen, fueling parts of the brain critical to learning and memory.

Eating better and exercising on a regular basis will reap benefits for you in concentration, energy, and the ability to do more for yourself and your family.

Exercising moderately by building fitness into your lifestyle or doing an activity that is social and fun a much is much more likely to help you meet you fitness goals.