Different Types of Hydraulic Fittings: Metal Thread and O-Ring Fittings

In almost all the hydraulic systems, the fittings connect the lengths of the pipe and hose that run between the different parts of the system. These fittings should be fitted in a way such that if the pipes get damaged or there is a requirement for the tubes to be replaced or repaired, they can be removed easily. Hydraulic fittings are categorized into two major types – all-metal fittings and O-ring fittings. All-metal fittings are quite inferior whereas O-ring fittings are the standard types of fittings in the modern hydraulic systems. Another new feature that is introduced in some of the hydraulic machines are custom-built components, which simplifies the device assembly and allows pipes to connect directly to the device. However, the only disadvantage of the integrated pipe fittings is that, if the threads are damaged in some way, repairs can be quite expensive and costly.

Metal thread fittings

These fittings make use of meshing threads of two pieces of pipe in order to seal the joints for the pressurized hydraulic fluid. These kinds of hydraulic joints are acceptable under perfect conditions. These kinds of metal fittings are least reliable for use with pressurized hydraulics as they are vulnerable to vibrational and temperature shock damage. Moreover, these kinds of joints are also not ideal for critical usage. However, at times paint is added to metal-on-metal hydraulic joints in order to provide an added advantage to minor seals.

O-ring hydraulic fittings

These fittings are metal fittings that rely on the combination of both threaded metal as well as compressed rubber O-rings, which are fitted specifically for trading a tight seal around the joint. The physical barrier that is provided by these rings helps in preventing leaks that may develop in the actual thread system of the creating and thereby creating a far more reliable seal on the fitting connection. These rings are available in single yet adjustable varieties in which an adjustable lock nut is available that helps in regulating the pressure and also to extend its lifespan.

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Apart from these two types, there are also stainless steel pipe fittings available which are used extensively in fluid systems and particularly in sanitary industries. Some of the reputable companies that manufacture the stainless steel pipe fittings usually test their products extensively to check the pressure of the hydraulic capacity and also ensure that fittings do not leak under pressure. The tensile strength in stainless steel makes these fittings safe, reliable and durable.