Cooking With Steam

Cooking in modern steam ovens is the most efficient way to cook healthy and tasty meals. The steam cooking method takes nothing away form the foods natural flavours so you need to add nothing to savour the natural taste that foods contain. No other cooking method can leave food looking and tasting so fresh and natural.

Your family will really enjoy healthier meals created by the power of steam. Succulent meats and crunchy vegetables are always cooked perfectly and your home cooked creations will at last be second to none. Food reheated using steam has the life returned to it as the moisture provided with the reheat function makes the food taste just as delicious the second time around. Steam re-heating is far superior to a microwave and is the perfect solution if you are in a rush.

With the advancement of modern technology you can now buy ovens that combine steam with hot air circulation. Not only does this keep the nutrients and minerals within the food but provides tastier meals. This option browns and crisps food while delivering moist, tender and brown meats and well risen crusty bread. Dough proofing is another unique feature of steam ovens, they create the perfect environment for the creation of dough for delicious home made bread.

For those of you who batch cook and freeze, steam defrosting is the answer to turning your frozen meals into freshly cooked masterpieces. The gentle action of steam puts moisture back into the food while it gently warms and defrosts. You really can defrost quickly and as its much faster than regular defrosting you can provide fresh meals spontaneously.

See also  Cooking Basics

If you are not using a steam oven yet then its really something you need to consider and give your family a healthier lifestyle while saving your own time and effort.

With steam cooking, you can cook delicious foods by reducing fat, salt and sugar, maintaining nutrients and allowing you to enjoy a low calorie diet.

We are increasingly aware that our health can be affected by the food we eat. You can retain up to 50 % more of the valuable nutrients and vitamins in foods, also the flavours are sealed in, rather than being boiled away.

Buy fruit and vegetables several times a week so that they can be used fresh. Store them in a cool place and away from daylight.

Clean fruits and vegetables using the minimum amount of water to avoid losing soluble vitamins and mineral salts. Don’t leave them to soak in water.

Thinly peel them to avoid losing the vitamins just under the skin or cook vegetables, such as potatoes, with the skins on to retain the maximum vitamin content.

The best way to get the daily requirement of essential vitamins is to eat a balanced diet that contains a variety of foods.

You can prepare a complete meal with a wide variety of dishes such as meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, eggs or desserts… and you are then sure to serve a flavoursome well-balanced menu.

Eat vegetables cooked until they are slightly crisp: your taste buds will soon learn to appreciate the superior flavour.

Buy fruits and vegetables that are in season, as they will have the best flavour.

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Add some spice, or herbs to enhance the flavour of the food.

The natural flavour is enhanced of almost all food cooked by steaming. This greatly reduces the amount of salt and sugar you need to add. Usually steamed food is not in contact with the liquid and so that the soluble nutrients are not lost in the cooking process.

Recipe: Steamed Sea Bass

Accessories and settings

Spring onions:

Perforated and solid cooking container, level 3+1
Steam, 100 degrees, 1-2 minutes


Solid cooking container, level 2
Steam, 100 degrees, 20-25 minutes
Core temperature: 62-65 degrees

Cook’s tips

The fish can also be prepared with the “Fish”, “Steam whole, fresh fish” programme.


8 spring onions
8 spring onions
8 Chinese dried mushrooms
1 piece root ginger
3 cloves garlic
2 bunches glass noodles, cooked
1 kg sea bass, whole, gutted and ready to cook
2 tbsp groundnut oil
4 tbsp soy sauce or fish sauce
1-2 tsp sugar
4 tbsp rice wine or dry sherry

Steam Oven Method

1. Wash the spring onions and chop into fine strips. Place half of the spring onions in the perforated cooking container. Blanch as indicated and set aside.

2. Put the mushrooms into a bowl, pour over boiling water and soak for 15 minutes. Drain and finely chop the mushrooms.

3. Peel the ginger and cut into very thin slices. Peel the garlic cloves and crush with a garlic press.

4. Spread out the noodles and mushrooms in the solid cooking container. Rinse the fish under cold, running water and pat dry with kitchen paper. Stuff the fish with the ginger, garlic and remaining spring onions and place diagonally on the noodles. Brush the skin with peanut oil.

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5. Stir together the soy sauce, sugar and rice wine and drizzle over the fish. Steam as indicated.

6. Arrange the blanched spring onions over the fish and serve with noodles and mushrooms.